6 Tips for Choosing the Best New Anime for You

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The anime industry has exploded in recent years, with new series and movies being released every season. This boom means that there are now more excellent and entertaining anime than ever before, but it also means that choosing the best new anime can be extremely difficult. If you’re looking to get into this popular medium but don’t know where to start, you’ve come to the right place! In this guide, I’ll cover everything from the importance of watching the original language audio to finding hidden gems through fan recommendation sites like MAL.

1) What is your favorite genre?
Are you into fantasy? Or romance? Or something more serious, like drama or science fiction? Your favorite genres will dictate what kinds of anime you’ll be interested in. If you’re into sports anime, watch shows like Haikyuu!! or Kuroko no Basket won’t be a stretch. But if you prefer slice-of-life or romantic comedies, make sure your selections are in line with your preferences (don’t just watch anything that’s considered popular). And don’t be afraid to venture out—the most popular new shows have tons of fans but also some vocal critics; pick what sounds good and stick with it.

2) Why do you want to watch this particular show?
The best way to ensure you’ll actually enjoy a show is to watch a show you really want to watch. After all, if you pick something at random, there’s no guarantee that it will meet your expectations—but if you choose based on an established interest (e.g., a certain genre), then you are more likely to give it at least one episode and enjoy it right off the bat. If anime just isn’t your thing but you still think your favorite medium deserves a list of its own, go ahead and do so—just don’t be surprised when none of your readers take issue with what they read. Pick something you actually like as a baseline before moving on.

3) If you can afford it, watch it on Crunchyroll
Crunchyroll is an awesome subscription service that grants you access to all of your favorite anime. It’s only $5.99 per month and that provides you with unlimited viewing, as well as discounts on anything related to anime (i.e., posters, figures, games, etc.). Crunchyroll has a huge library of old favorites and new series. This service also allows you to watch shows that are subtitled in English rather than dubbed in English or another language. After logging in with your Crunchyroll account information on FunimationNow, you can watch some great dubbed anime like Naruto. The best part about Crunchyroll is how many episodes are available from your favorite shows when it airs in Japan.

4) Watch a few episodes at home first
Before you get into a new series, it’s a good idea to check out a few episodes first. This is especially important if you’re watching something without subtitles. If you don’t like it, feel free to move on to something else. In some cases, though, you may just not be in an episode-watching mood that day and that’s OK! However, don’t let watching one or two episodes at home trick you into thinking that you can get into it later. There’s no guarantee that there will ever be another chance once everyone who’s currently hyped about it moves on.

5) Go in with an open mind
Before watching an anime, it’s worth knowing what type of show you’re interested in watching. For example, if you want a light-hearted, comedic series that won’t take you too deep into complex plots or character development, then you’ll probably want to avoid The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya. However, if an action-packed adventure is what appeals to you most about anime in general, then maybe start with Fullmetal Alchemist. Whatever your interest may be, try and keep an open mind.

6) Ask about it online!
If you’re not sure where to start looking, อนิเมะใหม่ online! There are a ton of forums and websites devoted to nearly every topic imaginable. (In fact, there’s even a forum or website that specifically caters to those with your very specific question.) Don’t know how long it takes an anime series to get good? Ask on a forum like Reddit or Quora! Don’t know what kinds of video games are good for kids? Do some research and start an Amazon wishlist so your kid has something great at Christmas! If you’re looking for suggestions on manga, try out Mangafox, one of many sites dedicated solely to online manga.

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