Have You Been in a Car Accident in Flagstaff? You Need an Attorney!

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Have you been in an accident in Flagstaff? If so, you may be wondering what to do next and how to receive the best compensation available. Car accidents are rarely black and white, and when you add insurance companies into the mix, things can become complicated. To get out of this complicated situation in the best way possible, it’s essential that you hire an experienced car accident attorney from flagstaffcaraccidentlawyer.com.

What to do if you have been involved in a car accident

The first thing you should do after being involved in a car accident is to make sure that you and any other drivers are safe. If someone is injured, call 911 immediately. If no one is hurt, it’s important to gather as much information as possible about what happened. Write down all of your observations, such as which vehicle hit yours or if anyone was distracted by anything before the accident. Also take pictures of your vehicle from all angles and document any damage. This way, when you see an attorney for advice on filing a claim for damages, he or she will have everything they need to help you get compensation for medical expenses and lost wages so that you can put your life back together after a traumatic event like an auto collision.

The first thing you should do after being in an accident

Make sure you are okay. Check your body and car to see if anyone is hurt or if anything is damaged. If not, ask yourself: Is there anyone else who needs help? If so, make sure they’re okay as well and call emergency services if you need to. Then assess what happened and try to piece together what led up to your accident. Having as much information about what happened will be vital for creating a strong case for your attorney, should you have one.

What if you or someone else is injured?

If you’ve been injured in an accident, your first priority should be getting medical attention. Although auto insurance companies don’t always act quickly to help victims and their families, they will almost always begin paying medical bills on behalf of their clients (and at least a few of them are willing to settle claims quickly). But even if your injuries aren’t life-threatening, it’s critical that you see a doctor immediately. Your injuries might seem minor at first, but they could end up having serious consequences that only emerge after days or weeks have passed. The longer it takes for them to show up, the more difficult it will be for anyone to identify what actually happened.

Do Not Move your Vehicle After an Accident

Many people may feel tempted to move their vehicle from its original position after it has been involved in an accident. It’s often easy to see why – perhaps your vehicle was blocking traffic, you have somewhere else you need to be, or you simply don’t want to sit and wait while car accident attorney in flagstaff arrive. It can also be tempting to try and remove any belongings that are left inside your car. However, if you have been involved in an accident, your first priority should be safety: remaining at a safe distance from traffic. The last thing you should do is move your vehicle – no matter how tempted you are – unless instructed by emergency personnel.

Dealing with insurance companies after a collision

After a car accident, it’s important to take note of your emotional state. If you feel overwhelmed, panicky or like you’re going to do something drastic, it might be time to reach out for help. An attorney can speak with insurance companies on your behalf and ensure that they are doing everything they can to alleviate any financial burden you may have been left with as a result of your car accident. In some cases, getting help right away can save you money in other ways. Some insurance companies will use tactics like intimidation, threats and hidden fees that may cost more than if you had sought legal counsel immediately after being involved in an auto accident.

The average cost of medical treatment and other expenses related to auto accidents

$14,000 (Source: US Department of Justice.) Add on pain and suffering costs and that number can rise to $25,000. If you have been involved in a car accident you need to hire someone who knows how to protect your rights after a car crash. An experienced attorney will know how insurance companies work and what they are likely to offer you as compensation for your injuries. By hiring someone with experience dealing with auto accidents you may be able to recover more money than if you were just acting on your own.

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